About BinSleuth

This project was born out of curiosity. I've been doing a lot of reading about AV, neural networks and studying malware more in depth. Multiple papers from https://arxiv.org/ inspired this.

BinSleuth is an anti-malware scanner designed to hunt down malicious code in Windows binaries. Future updates will expand its capabilities to include ELF and Mach-O files, making it a versatile tool across platforms.

Currently it's a FNN (Feed-Forward Neural Network). It's been trained on thousands of malicious and benign files, and has achieved a 94% accuracy rate during testing. But keep in mind, this is still in its alpha phase—so don't rely on it for production environments just yet, or ever! The training code will not be released until later. The inference is available.

Also don't yap about dynamic analysis, heuristics, etc. I know. That will be added later, enjoy.

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